07 December 2013

Chilly Notes

Personal Photo (Completely unrelated)

I'll be heading to Montreal next week, and with the holiday preparations I don't know how often I'll be able to show up here. I have queued a few posts to keep things rolling, but I'll probably move forward with the end-of-year analysis posts after my return. In the meantime, here are a few quick notes.

  • As you may have noticed, I altered the blog's design again. This top right menu didn't sit quite well with my obsession toward all things symmetrical. Maybe it's a part of my end-of-year dusting around, but I'm working on re-arranging the design of all my sites this December. Yes, I have quite a few, most of which are in French though.

  • I purchased a pair of shoes to brave the Canadian winter. I'll be preparing a post on the shopping process, from the need identification to the choice of the model, as I think this purchase is a good example of how I'd like to shop for material items from now on.

  • This week-end is La Fête des Lumières, the 8th of December's light festival in Lyon. I'm planning to do some photography experiments with the night and lights and crowd


  1. Oh, Montreal! How exciting - welcome to Canada, early! Have you been before?

    1. Thanks! It's my third time in Montreal, but the first time in December, and always for business so I haven't seen much of the city to be honest. I enjoy my visits a lot though :) Last time we went on the Mont Royal with journalists so they can film some content for their piece and it was very nice. It made me want to come back on holidays someday.

  2. Hi, new reader here - I really enjoy your blog! If you're looking for a Dunked/Tumblr portfolio alternative, try http://exposure.so/ . It is a gorgeous (and free) alternative I stumbled across recently. -Jess

    1. Welcome, and thanks for the kind note! I went to take a look at exposure, the platform is gorgeous indeed, but as Lin noted below, the free option is limited to three posts, so it sounds more like a trial version. Thanks for the tip though, always open to taking a look at all the alternatives, plus, this one is much cheaper than Dunked. I'll probably stick to tumblr for now, and go for a proper portfolio website when I'll be more of an "expert" photographer and will feel it's worth the investment.

    2. Thank you for the kind response! Lin made a great point about the Exposure free version that I hadn't realized - great to know before I started dumping pictures there. I had a good experience with Coroflot in college. Though it is not as clean in terms of design, it is totally free and integrates a social function, which ended up being helpful for having work picked up by design bloggers tootling around the site. Good luck with your photography, and happy holidays all around!

  3. Je note pour ton Tumblr ! je file commenter l'article concerné de ce pas, mais j'adore l'idée de rétrospective basée sur le calendrier de l'Avent... :)
    Pour le portfolio, c'est loin d'être évident de trouver LA bonne plateforme qui convienne. Pour le moment, je reste sur Flickr/500px, j'envisage l'ouverture d'un second blog dédié à la photo pour 2014 (reste à trouver le bon thème wordpress pour présenter tout ça), et j'ai un compte Instagram qui me sert pas à grand chose pour le moment (même s'il me sera bien utile si j'arrive à me motiver pour un projet 365, en mode portable et pas Reflex). Difficile de tout concilier et de ne pas s'éparpiller avec toutes ces possibilités !
    Quant aux boots d'hiver, j'attends ton article avec graaande impatience... je n'aurais pas la "chance" d'affronter l'hiver canadien cette saison mais ça sera pour 2014/2015 ! :D

    1. C'est sûr que je trouve qu'on s'y perd vite avec toutes les options de portfolio possibles! J'ai quelques albums sur Picasa, mais, comme flickr, c'est plutôt des albums en ligne destinés au partage etc. et moins un portfolio de type "book" pour montrer une sélection de photos. J'ai pensé à ouvrir un compte flickr (des années après tout le monde comme d'hab) mais j'ai tellement de réseaux sociaux à gérer que je préfère me centrer. Instagram c'est pas mal pour un projet 365 effectivement! J'ai aussi pensé à l'option blog mais j'en ai déjà 2 à gérer, plus le site avec ce que j'écris, et d'expérience, plus on en a, plus c'est dur à mettre à jour. Je crois qu'au final, je ferai un truc maison, en achetant un autre nom de domaine et en codant un truc moi-même. Au moins j'aurai exactement la présentation que je veux.
      Pour les boots je vais essayer d'écrire le truc à mon retour de Montreal, mais au final j'ai pris une option très classique - quoiqu'efficace de ce que j'ai pu tester ce week-end à la fête des lumières de Lyon et depuis mon arrivée à Montreal :)

  4. I dislike publishing on Tumblr but that seems like the best free option for now. I love the look of exposure but the free account is limited to 3 posts and I'm definitely not serious enough as a photographer to upgrade to a paid account.

    1. I agree that tumblr isn't the best platform to publish photos - that's not the initial purpose of the platform to my opinion (it's more of a reblogging/curating platform). But I think it's a good material to use with a proper html front page - only, you then have to host that html page somewhere, and know how to code it. I guess that's why portfolio dedicated platforms are paid. Right now I'm like you, I'm not serious enough as a photographer to justify the expense.
