12 August 2013

Already Longing

Sources: tumblr, Shopbop, Minelli

I am one of these weirdos who dislikes Summer and has elected Autumn as a favourite season instead. Entering the second week of August, this is about the time I am starting to long for cinnamon hot chocolates, walks in golden forests, clove cakes, fresh mushrooms and nuts at the market, pumpkin soups and cakes, ankle boots, scarves, tights, jackets, and long chilly nights with candlelight.

I am still making the best of the joys Summer has to offer - terrasse lunches, barbecues, pic-nics, rosé wine and olive apéros, chilled iced teas and perfumed water, walks in the park... But after two weeks of a completely dead Paris, I am looking forward to September, when the city wakes from her slumber, shops and restaurants re-open, and interesting radio programmes / TV series resume, and everybody shares great vacation stories.

This anticipation is very much fueled by the first Fall/Winter lookbooks and collections popping around the city. How I love these browns and reds, jackets and knits and shoes... Here you have, another marketing weakness of mine. To kickstart this period of the year, I have planned a seasonal wardrobe assessement at the end of the month. The cleaning ritual of September is a very cherished moment of my year, for to me September means renewal, even more so than New Year or Spring.

What about you, are you still in the middle of summer joy, or do you have, like I do, a joyful anticipation of the weeks to come?


  1. Hahaha, I was planning a similar post for Wednesday, you totally beat me to it! I'm the same, the time between early August and mid/late October is my favorite time of the year. Beautiful colors, crisp air, autumn clothing and a complete absence for allergies - ahh, paradise. After October it gets a bit too dark and cold for my liking, but hey, by then it is almost Christmas ;)

    1. I can imagine early Autumn must be very nice where you live, if you have a lot of forests and all. It is true that November is a bit sadder, with less light, dead trees and no snow yet (at least not at my latitude), plus, I guess you have even less daylight than we do in France. But I like all the Christmas preparations at this time of the year: Christmas craftsmen markets, hot wine, and all things melted cheese.

      The period I find the most difficult is the post-holiday season one, January and February. I have hatched a plan to take two-week holidays early February, in the Caribbean or something, to counteract this, but it will probably be in 2015 :)

  2. I have it the same way. The last two days the weather here in Denmark, has changes a bit, at the wind is a bit cooler. I love it, when you can feel the season change. I cant wait to wear soft wool, feel the wind and enjoy al the yellow and read colors. Autumn is my favorite season to :)

    1. I'm glad to hear I'm not the only one! People look at me like I'm a a weird animal when I tell them I'm eager for Autumn. I'm also longing for soft wollen knits and cashmere scarves :)

  3. I adore autumn too. And spring, although summer has a habit of encroaching upon it. I like the gentleness of seasons where I can walk for hours, wear jeans and a top, enjoy a cafe meal, sit and talk with loved ones. Australia's winters are very mild in comparison to the northern hemisphere, so one day I would like to experience a snowy winter for a little adventure!

    1. I always wonder how seasons unfold in other parts of the world. It is true that snowy winters are a beauty to see, even though they can also get quite unpleasant - slippery roads, snow turning into mud in the city etc. - I find snow to be one of the great beauties of nature. If you have the occasion to travel around Europe during wintertime, you can experiment a new face of each city and countryside...

  4. No, you're not alone. I found myself making a list of everything I love in autumn last week. It's really my favorite season. And since we had a nice summer so far, autumn will be welcome without any regrets. And as a teacher I really feel like september is the begining of a new year.

    1. Ah yes, September is la rentrée des classes, I loved it when I was at school, new notebooks and pens, new classmates... I imagine you retain this pleasure as a teacher :)

  5. i'm also an autumn lover. i love the atmosphere and the colors. i would choose a cozy cardigen over a miniskirt any time. also i like the make up collections for fall/winter a lot better. i hardly wear any make up in summer as it is too hot and bright and when the days get cooler i am longing to wear smokey eyes again.^^

    also i feel like the autumn does not disappoint me like spring and summer often do. if its rainy and cold thats fine and if its sunny and a very golden autumn, even better. if its rainy in the summertime i feel cheated on my break from the cooer month.

    1. I love the colours of Autumn too! They are warmer, deeper, less "in your face" bright than summer colours. I also stop wearing make-up in summer, and I love being back to "regular style" in Autumn, with pants and scarves and cardigans and make-up in shades of brown...

      I see what you mean about feeling "cheated" by seasons. This year's spring was awful here and I didn't really enjoy it as much, whereas Autumn has a lot to deliver, even if it is cold and rainy.

  6. As you know, since I can't seem to shut up about it lately, I'm ready for fall. Bring it on! It's my favorite season as well, and I miss the days when I lived somewhere where you would really see the leaves change and fall with exuberance, but even here I get so excited when the temps start to dip and I get to pull out sweaters and leather jackets and light coats and ankle boots and long jeans... I'm practically salivating at the thought of it, ha!


    1. Ah yes I guessed you liked Autumn a lot. I found the Madewell ankle boots thanks to your advice by the way :) I'll wait until the weather chills up a bit before settling for the purchase, but they are really lovely. It is true that the changing colours of Autumn are a real pleasure to witness, but thankfully it isn't the only one. I can't wait for the season to come!

  7. Hi Kali! I came across your blog recently and just wanted to let you know how much I was inspired by your blog + your efforts to live more simply and intentionally in relation to your possessions. I hope to do the same. I look forward to reading your archives as much as your future posts. Count me in as one of your regular readers. =)


    PS. I want it to be Fall too!

    1. Thanks for the kind word Emm! It is always a little joy to discover someone finding value in my ramblings and joining the discussion, welcome aboard :)

  8. J'aurais pu écrire ce post... ^^ Je fais également partie de ces gens qui ne sont pas fans de l'été : la faute à la région parisienne peut être, ça doit être plus agréable en bord de mer ou que vestimentairement parlant j'en ai marre au bout de 2 semaines (mon uniforme incluant des collants ^^) ! En tout cas, je suis contente de voir que finalement on est pas mal à aimer l'automne ! :)

    Hâte de voir ta wishlist et tes résolutions pour cette rentrée, c'est un exercice que j'apprécie beaucoup aussi ! Niveau acquisition pour ma part, ça sera surement de belles pièces en laine, moelleuses et chaudes !

    1. C'est vrai que passer l'été en ville n'aide pas tellement à aimer cette saison - difficile de profiter des bons moments de l'été! (barbecue, plage ou piscine tranquille, petit vent marin ou montagnard, balades dans la nature...) Et c'est vrai qu'il faut aimer les tenues d'été, ce qui n'est pas tellement mon cas non plus, c'est peut-être pour ça que j'aime tant l'Automne, je peux à nouveau m'habiller comme je veux.

      Ah oui, je pense que de mon côté aussi la wishlist d'automne comportera surtout des pièces en matières chaudes et confortables comme la laine, le cashmere...
